Professional Services
Recent Professional Services
Member of Asia SIGCHI Committee, 2022-23
Associate Chair for CHI'22
Associate Chair for CSCW'22
Program Chair for IndiaHCI'22
General Chair (with Prof. Roger Wattenhofer and Prof. Jie Wu) of 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking
General Chair (with Prof. Rajesh Chandwani) of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2019)
Co-organizer for SIGCHI summer school on Human-Centered AI 2019 at New Delhi, India
Co-organizer of Symposium on “New Frontiers in Human-Centered Design” at New Delhi, 19-21 December, 2019
Reviewer for leading HCI and Mobile Computing publishing venues, including but not limited to, CHI, CSCW, ACM ToCHI, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IUI, ...
Engagement with Government Agencies
Central Board for Excise and Customs (CBEC), Govt. of India 2015 – 2017
I served as a Technical Advisor to CBEC for a period of 2+ years. My duties were to advise on technical matters specifically related to the development of computing infrastructure and services. The consultancy started in the context of GST implementation and continued for upgradation of hardware infrastructure and various services and applications offered by CBEC.
181 helpline for Delhi Women in Distress, Govt. of Delhi 2013 – 2015
I was appointed nodal officer for the 181-women-in-distress helpline by the Government of Delhi. We developed the entire software stack from scratch and maintained it for 2+ years before handing over the entire system to Delhi Govt. The helpline, available 24x7, received more than one million calls in its two years time. We handed it over to the Govt. after two years and the system is still in use.
IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd. (IKSL) 2010 – 2010
IKSL serves a large number of farmers across India. This 6-month long project was targeted towards serving more than 700,000 farmers and fishermen across 18 states of India through their voice-based value-added services. The services were accessed by farmers and fishermen on their mobile phones. I consulted IKSL for scaling up and launching new voice-based services.